Sunday, January 1, 2012

How To Improve Your Golf With Bodyweight Exercises – Bigger Drives and More Energy!

Often, its the unexpected things that sometimes work the best. The truth is that by improving your physical condition through the use of bodyweight exercises you can and will put more distance on your drive, and ooze strength, vitality and energy, even after 18 holes! Bodyweight exercises are ideal for golfers because -

1. the golfers that consistently play the best are those who are in the best physical condition. Its an energy/ stamina thing. Have a look at the guys on the Ryder Cup teams, or just look at Tiger Woods, who looks like he could still climb into a boxing ring after winning a tournament,

2. bodyweight exercises are super effective and super fast. After spending 3-4 hours on the golf course, what golfers need is a quick workout that delivers results, and allows them to spend more time golfing and/ or spending time with those they love, instead of being stuck in the gym. Forget endless cardio, or punishing weight lifting routines,

3. bodyweight exercises dramatically improve balance, as a result of the unique sequences of movements that not only hit multiple muscle groups with every exercise, but they all target your abdominals forcing your muscles to contract in order to stabilise your body during the exercises. As many of you will know while providing a fantastic experience, golf doesn’t do very much for the abdominal muscles,

4. bodyweight exercises provide total body conditioning delivering not only strong and supple legs, but a powerful and in balance upper body, and a muscular and toned mid section, making you feel fantastic and play even better,

5. the game of golf, and “drives” in particular necessitate that you can not only generate power, but harness it. It’s all in the follow through. By performing bodyweight exercises regularly you will gain greater strength, balance and the flexibility in your muscles necessary to allow your body to flow with every shot,

6. we’ve all heard it before, from many of the world’s best in all sorts of sports, including Tiger and Jack Nicklaus “the Golden Bear” that performance is improved by controlling your breath, especially when its not going your way on or off the course. This is one of the things that improves greatly by practising bodyweight exercise deep breathing before, during and after exercise. Basically, whenever you want,

7. golf is often portrayed as a game of wills, and never more so than when you’re playing poorly and have to make the decision to turn this thing around. Check out the exercise below for forging an iron will.

The Wall Chair -

This is an incredible exercise for the whole body, giving your muscles an intense workout, as well as promoting better alignment, and developing willpower.

Imagine you’re sitting on a stool, with your back against the wall. Then remove the stool. Lower your body down until your knees are at a right angle. Make sure your lower and upper back are as flat on the wall as you can. Toes and knees pointing straight ahead. Fix your gaze on an object in front on you and concentrate on that. Relax. To begin, do for 1 minute, and then work up to 3. Breathe deeply and fully as you enjoy this exercise.

If this is difficult to begin with, then raise your body a little higher on the wall. Still aim to hold for 1 minute.

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