Sunday, January 1, 2012

Putting Tips – Golf Putting and Conditioning and Mental Training

The most interesting fact about putting is that it is a mental game. There are certain unique styles players come up with and hone to perfection, so choose a style you are comfortable with. Putting mechanics are really quite important; practice them regularly but don’t spend hours behind perfecting it.

Practicing is the name of the game. And this applies to any game on Earth. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and it really can’t be more relevant to any game than golfing itself. It is vital if you want to improve your golfing skills. There are three crucial aspects to golfing you must always keep in mind.

First is your ability to swing well. Always try to hit the ball on the center of your club, and definitely not from the side of the club head, as this way the ball can never make a straight trajectory for itself. So, remember: hit the ball with the center of your club. Otherwise you’ll just be too frustrated to enjoy the game.

Then just when your club comes in contact with the ball, learn to add speed to the club head – then and there. You really have to master this skill to get better at your game.

And above all, trust your instincts and intuitions. That’s what primarily golf is about. Sure, there are the technicalities, but what’s most important is getting a hang of the feel of the game. It has less to do with the staunch rules that, once taken too seriously, become the bane of the player, and more as an art form instead.

You’ll often find yourself desperately trying to make that perfect, age-old good stroke and yet seeing the ball meander away, victim to circumstances and factors over which you have little or no control. So, instead of compulsively trying to perfect your roll, try and get with the flow of the game, keeping in mind the technicalities but not letting your natural flair for the game get bogged down by it.

Conditioning and Mental Training

Conditioning and mental training are important regarding the effectiveness and indispensable nature of fitness in any form of sport. The same is true in case of golf.

Golf fitness systems have been developed for these reasons. And these are held as basic to the sport, apart from specific related training programs. Thus the learners of the game profit most when the instructor and the trainer work on a collaborative basis. Maximum optimization of training can be had at such a condition, which is also ideal to the development of a golfer’s overall game.

1. Conditioning

With age it is only natural that muscles should tire. Over 50 is the age at which golfers can experience some problems like reduced drives and inaccurate hits which can make the overall score much higher and make the game quite uninteresting at best. As the decline in a golfer’s form can have reasons to do with his golfing muscles, it is important to deal with this in some detail, tackling fitness and conditioning head up.

Strength in golf is directly proportional to distance of the drive. The latter depends heavily on the velocity and the acceleration gained during the backswing. More power can be initiated with flexibility. When you can combine all these, the result leads to longer drives. The solution to this is stretching out, specifically your golf muscles, making them fitter.

2. Mental Training

Mental training is a means of improving the concentration and accuracy of your putts. The best way to hone in your mental training lies in envisioning correct drives and putts in your home turf. If you get to your holes mentally, you can do it on the turf as well. Just allow 10 minutes for this essential piece of training.

Prepare a well-designed plan plus a ‘stick to it’ attitude and there you have it. You will be better prepared to meet success in the future.

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